Surajit Das,
Santwana Goswami
Phalguni Dasgupta
Swapnesh Choudhury
Arundhati Ray Choudhury
Raja Ravi Verma
Abanindranath Tagore
Nandalal Bose
Rabindranath Tagore
Gaganendranath Tagore
D P Roy Choudhury
Amrita Sher-Gill
Chitamoni Kar
Ram Kinker Beij
Jamini Roy
Hemen Mazumdar
Contemporary  Indian Art
Ajanta & Ellora
Khajuraho Sculpture
Konark Sculpture
Indo-temple sculpture
Mughal Miniatures
The Taj Mahal
Virtual tour of Taj
Tallest Monolithic sculpture
Hampi Sculpture
Badami sculpture
Madhubani Paintings
Tanjore Art  
Terracotta of Bengal