::: Best viewed in screen resolution 1024 by 768 pixels ::: Indian classical music - Raga Kalabati played on Bansi(Flute) by Sudhangshu Halder accompanied by Tapas Paul on Tabla ::: This website was inaugurated by Janab Shekh Mohammed Ali on 4th June 2005 :::
Amrita Arora's
Oil Paintings
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Amrita Arora's Oil Paintings

Born on 15th January 1979, Amrita was in to painting since her childhood, initially
under her mother Smt Uma Arora's guidance and later on underwent a 5 yrs training
under eminent artist Pralay Chakraborty, a Chitra Visharad from the Pracheen Kala
Kendra (Chandigarh).
Amrita, an ex-student of Modern High School for Girls, is a Commerce graduate from
Calcutta University with a Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management from
IMM and is currently doing her MBA from ICFAI.
She has participated in various Art competitions organised by
Vishwa Bharati.
She is also a young entrepreneur currently helping her father Sri Ashok Kumar Arora
in his Business in Kolkata.
As is evident from her paintings, she can handle sceneries and figures with same ease. Her colours are
vibrant and cheerful. In short they are full of life and has a very positive effect on the environment,
where they are exhibited.

Buyers of Amrita's art include Corporate houses like Management & Computer Consultants, Computer Aids
India etc and Private collectors include Dr. Milan Chhetri, Mr. Gurshaan Singh Kohli, Mrs. Minu Arora.

Contact the Artist directly for all enquiries at :
e-mail: tina_ams@yahoo.com   Mobile: 91 9830154070
Address: 180A Rash Behari Avenue, Flat-D4 Anand Building, Kolkata-700 029, India
Amrita's Oil Paintings
Amrita Arora's Oil Paintings
Please click on the small pictures to see Enlarged Views
Ganesh (sold)
The Lady
Vibrant Solitude
Caught in the web
landscape (sold)
Deep Silence
Stupa (sold)
Flowers (sold)
Colour of wisdom
Life Force
Colours of Nature
Road to Success