Should India go for Maglev Trains ? by Dr. Parames Ghosh & Mr. Pranab RayChaudhuri ( Click on the above Author's Names to read about them )
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In the 20th century the speed of our material progress was vastly accelerated by the increase in our speed of communication; the transport by air let us deliver things in hours, which earlier took days. In the later part of the century, the Internet helped us communicate even further. It is now possible to pay for the goods almost instantaneously, while we still take time to deliver the goods. Airplanes help us transport small goods faster, but not the elephants and heavy goods. In this article, we are considering alternatives to airplanes – Maglev Trains that can help mass transport of goods as well as personnel that provides services. Various countries have already invested in Maglev Trains or have been planning to do so. We need to find out whether India affords Maglev Trains and whether Maglev trains will reduce the cost and bottlenecks of transporting people and material in India to increase GDP of India. We would perhaps find that other developed and developing countries would invest in the infrastructure including Maglev Trains, and if that happens, it could be possible to have an alternative for air travel, in countries connected by land. In this paper, we have reproduced ideas of many veteran scholars to lead others to research further whether India should invest in this new technology that is promising to bring a revolution.
Need for Faster Transport & Introduction to Maglev Trains [Ref-2] Top
If you've been to an airstrip lately, you've probably noticed that air travel is becoming more and more congested. Despite frequent delays, airplanes still provide the fastest way to travel hundreds or thousands of miles. Passenger air travel revolutionized the transportation industry in the last century, letting people traverse great distances in a matter of hours instead of days or weeks. The only alternatives to airplanes -- feet, cars, buses, boats and conventional trains -- are just too slow for today's fast-paced society. However, there is a new form of transportation that could revolutionize transportation of the 21st century the way airplanes did in the 20th century. A few countries are using powerful electromagnets to develop high-speed trains, called maglev trains. Maglev is short for magnetic levitation , which means that these trains will float over a guide-way using the basic principles of magnets to replace the old steel wheel and track trains. The big difference between a maglev train and a conventional train is that maglev trains do not have an engine -- at least not the kind of engine used to pull typical train cars along steel tracks. The engine for maglev trains is rather inconspicuous. Instead of using fossil fuels, the magnetic field created by the electrified coils in the guide-way walls and the track combines to propel the train.
How Various Countries are Planning for Maglev Trains [Ref-16] Top
Let us first check how different nations in the world are considering the prospects of Maglev Trains. The Indian Ministry is reportedly reviewing a proposal to start a Maglev train system in India. It has already been estimated that the cost to complete this process would be over $30 Billion. The company who sent the proposals is a company based in the United States. There have been feelers sent to Lalu Prasad, Railway Minister, in which the advantages of a Maglev train system were presented. Although still at a preliminary stage, if completed, the train travel time between the two cities will be reduced to three hours, compared to an original 16 hours. A Maglev line has recently been proposed in the United Kingdom from London to Glasgow with several route options through the Midlands, Northwest and Northeast of England and is reported to be under favourable consideration by the government. A further high speed link is also being planned between Glasgow to Edinburgh though there is no settled technology for this concept yet, ie (Maglev/Hi Speed Electric etc) A separate maglev link is also being planned between Glasgow Airport and Glasgow to Edinburgh Airport and Edinburgh which would cut journey time between the two cities from one hour to 15 minutes. Work will begin as early as January 2008. The technology that will be used has not been decided. China has decided to extend the world’s first commercial TransRapid line between Pudong airport and the city of Shanghai initially by some 35 kilometers to Hong Qiao airport before the World Expo 2010 and then, in an additional phase, by 200 kilometers to the city of Hangzhou (Shanghai-Hangzhou Maglev Train), becoming the first inter-city Maglev rail line in commercial service in the world. The line will be an extension of the Shanghai airport Maglev line. Talks with Germany and Transrapid Konsortium about the details of the construction contracts have started. On March 7, 2006, the Chinese Minister of Transportation was quoted by several Chinese and Western newspapers as saying the line was approved. [Ref-16]
Economics of past projects on Maglev trains [Ref-4] Top
The Shanghai maglev cost 9.93 billion Yuan (US$1.2 billion) to build. This total includes infrastructure capital costs such as manufacturing and construction facilities, and operational training. At 50 Yuan per passenger and the current 7,000 passengers per day, income from the system is incapable of recouping the capital costs (including interest on financing) over the expected lifetime of the system, even ignoring operating costs. China aims to limit the cost of future construction extending the maglev line to approximately 200 million Yuan (US$24.6 million) per kilometre. These costs compare competitively with airport construction (e.g., Hong Kong Airport cost US$20 billion to build in 1998) and eight- lane Interstate highway systems that cost around US$50 million per mile in the US. While high-speed maglevs are expensive to build, they are less expensive to operate and maintain than traditional high-speed trains, planes or intercity buses. Data from the Shanghai maglev project indicates that the current relatively low volume of 7,000 passengers per day covers operation and maintenance costs. Passenger volumes on the Pudong International Airport line are expected to rise dramatically once the line is extended from Longyang Road metro station all the way to Shanghai's downtown train depot. The proposed Chūō Shinkansen maglev in Japan is estimated to cost approximately US$82 billion to build, with a route blasting long tunnels through mountains. A Tokaido maglev route replacing current Shinkansen would cost some 1/10 the cost, as no new tunnel blasting would be needed, but noise pollution issues would make it infeasible. The only low-speed maglev (100 km/h) currently operational, the Japanese Linimo HSST, cost approximately US$100 million/km to build. Besides offering improved O&M costs over other transit systems, these low-speed maglevs provide ultra-high levels of operational reliability and introduce little noise and zero air pollution into dense urban settings. As maglev systems are deployed around the world, experts expect construction costs to drop as new construction methods are perfected. [4]
MNC proposed to build magnetic levitation train in Punjab [Ref-9] Top
In May-2005, “BCD Oil and Foods, a multi-national company, has proposed to build a mass rapid transit system in the city. It gave a presentation of its transit system at the UT secretariat to the home secretary Krishna Mohan. Proposed Cost was Rs 4,300 Crore For Coverage of 50 Kms; Train Can Move At 100 Kms An Hour.
The transit system operates by using a magnetic levitation train, whereby the train floats on the track without touching it. The main features of the trains are that there is no noise and pollution in this system. It will be built by spending approximately Rs 4,300 crore, considering that it covers at least 50 kms -- at the rate of 20 million dollars per km. The UT will only get one per cent of the overall profits since it will be built on build, operate and own (BOO) basis. One of the Directors of BCD, Prof S. Dat said, "The train can move at any speed, from snail's pace to about 100 km per hour within the city. If it has to move between two cities, it can move at a speed of over 500 km per hour. The construction time is 18 months, while 20 kms of track can be built in 200 days."
The cost of travelling will be Rs 1.50 per km in second class and Rs 5.00 per km in first class. Prof Dat said for the train to be successful in the city, it would need at least 60,000 passengers per day to start with. Its capacity is 220 passengers on seat, and 100 passengers standing in two compartments. The trains will run at a frequency of less than one minute. It is a safe mode of transport, with emergency stairway and staff to disembark the passengers onboard.
At present, it is operational in Shanghai and also in Japan. Other places where the magnetic levitation train is being proposed in South Asia are Indore, Karachi and Chittagong. Prof Dat said, "The support services such as restaurants, tea stalls, shops and escalators will also come up with this transit system.” [Ref-9]
Can Maglev Trains be useful for developing countries? [Ref-13] Top
Not just magnetic levitation super fast monorail transportation systems, but an almost unending variety of things would be useful for the development of poverty-stricken remote areas. Not merely for those areas, all of those unending variety of things would be useful for the development of not so remote and not so poverty-stricken areas of any developing country. Thus that question is actually content-free. It is hard to argue that Maglev Trains or anything else for that matter cannot be useful in development. There are only two problems: • Our resources are limited. Anyone who does not keep that in mind is clearly out of touch with reality. • Prioritizing the needs and sequencing the required intervention is an impossible task unless considerable thinking goes into the analysis of the problem. [13]
The Need to Do Arithmetic [Ref-13] Over the years we have seen too many instances of errant nonsense that a little bit of arithmetic would have prevented. I think that the power of arithmetic is not fully appreciated. Even people in very powerful positions utter complete nonsense when they refuse to do simple calculations. In a recent workshop, a model called RISC (Rural Infrastructure & Services Commons) was presented. The model is based on the recognition that the provision of infrastructure is a necessary precondition for services that are necessary for rural development. Infrastructure investment is ‘lumpy.’ You have to have at least a certain minimum amount of investment before it is of any use to anybody. Since there is a minimum scale below which infrastructural investment is not viable, and since total investment is limited, providing infrastructure to every of the 600,000 Indian villages is not an efficient option. Therefore, RISC recommends that infrastructure investments be made in locations that are accessible by a large number of villages to start off with. Later, as economic conditions improve, village level development of infrastructure would make more sense. This, of course, implies that the facilities will not be immediately accessible to everyone. Some will incur a travel cost. Moreover, the travel cost will be relatively greater on women than on men considering that men are more inclined to travel the 10 kms or so the average facility may be located. One participant objected to the model based on the differential travel cost. She held that the solution is that every village should have all facilities. Here is where we need to do some arithmetic. Add up all resources for infrastructure investment at our disposal. Divide that by 600,000 and you have quantity x, the available resource per village. Find out the investment cost of the minimum viable unit of infrastructure and call it y. Now compute the ratio y over x and call that number z. If z is equal to or less than 1, we can provide every village with the required infrastructure base. Otherwise, we need to invest y resources in a central location that z villages will have to share. It is true that women would be at a disadvantage relative to men when it comes to travel. But then the answer is not that infrastructure resources should be squandered based on gender equity considerations but rather that women should be assisted in some way so that they overcome their mobility issues. (It is always more practical for Mohammed to go to the mountain than for the mountain to come to Mohammed.) Let’s do arithmetic and persuade others to do some arithmetic as well. [Ref-13]
Conclusion Top
In the above paragraphs, we have merely reproduced the ideas and reports from various scholars and industry stalwarts. We encourage the readers to study further, and find out whether India affords Maglev Trains and whether Maglev trains will reduce the cost and bottlenecks of transporting people and material in India to increase GDP of India. We would perhaps find that other developed and developing countries would invest in the infrastructure including Maglev Trains, and if that happens, it could be possible to have an alternative for air travel, in countries connected by land. We may find that we do not need Maglev Trains across the lengths and breadths of India, but we may need Maglev Trains between the spots where transport is the main constraint. Once again, we acknowledge the ideas of various authors, listed in the reference below; we have only put them together to help India’s planing heads to reach some conclusions.
Introduction to Maglev Technology [Ref-4,17] Top
All operational implementations of maglev technology have had minimal overlap with wheeled train technology and have not been compatible with conventional rail tracks. Because they cannot share existing infrastructure, maglevs must be designed as complete transportation systems. The term "maglev" refers not only to the vehicles, but to the railway system as well, specifically designed for magnetic levitation and propulsion.
Let us define a few technical terms before we proceed further.
Magnetic levitation It is the process by which an object is suspended above another object with no other support but magnetic fields. The electromagnetic force is used to counteract the effects of the gravitational force. Propulsion The action of pushing or driving, usually forward or onward. Electro-magnet A magnet consisting essentially of a coil of insulated wire wrapped around a soft iron core that is magnetized only when current flows through the coil.
Electromagnetic suspension In current EMS systems, the train levitates above a steel rail while electromagnets, attached to the train, are oriented toward the rail from below. The electromagnets, use feedback control to maintain a train at a constant distance from the track, at approximately 15 millimeters (0.6 in). Electrodynamic suspension .
EDS Maglev Propulsion via propulsion coils In Electrodynamic suspension (EDS), both the rail and the train exert a magnetic field, and the train is levitated by the repulsive force between these magnetic fields. The magnetic field in the train is produced by either electromagnets (as in JR-Maglev) or by an array of permanent magnets (as in Inductrack). The repulsive force in the track is created by an induced magnetic field in wires or other conducting strips in the track. At slow speeds, the current induced in these coils and the resultant magnetic flux is not large enough to support the weight of the train. For this reason the train must have wheels or some other form of landing gear to support the train until it reaches a speed that can sustain levitation. Propulsion coils on the guideway are used to exert a force on the magnets in the train and make the train move forward. The propulsion coils that exert a force on the train are effectively a linear motor. An alternating current flowing through the coils generates a continuously varying magnetic field that moves forward along the track. The frequency of the alternating current is synchronized to match the speed of the train. The offset between the field exerted by magnets on the train and the applied field create a force moving the train forward.
Magnetodynamic suspension Magnetodynamic suspension, invented by Dr.Oleg Tozoni, is similar to the EMS system in that it uses attractive forces, but differs in the magnets used for suspension are permanent, and the stability is built into the system itself using physics/mechanical systems, as opposed to EMS's computer systems. MDS is based on the idea of using a minimum energy point to balance the train. Easy way to explain this is to compare EMS to a hill, with minimum energy points on the sides of it, and MDS to a valley with the minimum point in the center. The center of each would be the vehicle's suspended center point. If you put a ball on the top of the hill and apply any force to it, the ball will try to roll down, and you would need to apply a compensation force in the other direction to keep it centered. Once the ball gets to the top of the hill, it will try to keep rolling down the other side, and an opposite, compensating force is needed. This is what EMS does when it uses stabilising systems to increase or decrease the strength of the electromagnets holding the train suspended, and that system is inherently unstable, requiring a constant outside stabilising force. MDS, on the other hand, is more like a valley with the energy minimum in the center. It takes energy to move the ball away from the bottom, and the ball returns to the bottom on its own. This is possible because steel magnetic permeability is highly dependent on magnetic flux intensity in that steel. Basically, the more you magnetize steel, the more difficult it is to magnetize it even more. Once the steel becomes fully saturated, bringing a magnet closer to it will not increase the strength of the magnetic field between the magnet and the magnetically saturated steel. Dr. Tozoni figured out how to create what is essentially magnetic insulation, which would keep magnetic fields escaping from the steel rails into the surrounding air, thus concentrating the magnetic field in those rails and saturating them. MDS uses a series of magnets constructed in such a way that when the array is suspended within the steel rail, the lateral, side-to-side, forces pulling the train towards the steel rails become much weaker than the horizontal, up-down, force holding the magnets centered between the rails. When two such magnet arrays are arranged perpendicular to each other, the stronger forces cancel out the weaker forces, forcing the train to stay centered between the rails automatically, thus holding it in the minimum energy point; any outside force that moves the train away from the center line of travel is countered by a force wanting to bring the train back to the center minimum. AMLEVTrans
Pros and cons of different technologies [Ref-4, 17] Each implementation of the magnetic levitation principle for train-type travel involves advantages and disadvantages. Time will tell us to which principle, and whose implementation, wins out commercially.
EMS (Electromagnetic)
Magnetic fields inside and outside the vehicle are insignificant; proven, commercially available technology that can attain very high speeds (500 km/h); no wheels or secondary propulsion system needed
The separation between the vehicle and the guide way must be constantly monitored and corrected by computer systems to avoid collision due to the unstable nature of electromagnetic attraction; due to the system's inherent instability and the required constant corrections by outside systems, vibration issues may occur.
EDS (Electrodynamic)
Onboard magnets and large margin between rail and train enable highest recorded train speeds (581 km/h) and heavy load capacity; has recently demonstrated (Dec 2005) successful operations using high temperature superconductors in its onboard magnets, cooled with inexpensive liquid nitrogen
Strong magnetic fields onboard the train would make the train inaccessible to passengers with pacemakers or magnetic data storage media such as hard drives and credit cards, necessitating the use of magnetic shielding; limitations on guide way inductivity limit the maximum speed of the vehicle; vehicle must be wheeled for travel at low speeds; system per mile cost still considered prohibitive; the system is not yet out of prototype phase.
Inductrack System (Permanent Magnet EDS)
Failsafe Suspension - no power required to activate magnets; Magnetic field is localized below the car; can generate enough force at low speeds (around 5 km/h) to levitate maglev train; in case of power failure cars slow down on their own safely; Halbach arrays of permanent magnets may prove more cost-effective than electromagnets
Requires either wheels or track segments that move for when the vehicle is stopped. New technology that is still under development (as of 2007) and has as yet no commercial version or full-scale system prototype.
MDS (Magnetodynamic)
Failsafe Suspension - no power required to activate magnets; separation between vehicle and guide way is automatic, requiring no outside control or monitoring; attractive force of permanent magnets is far greater than the repulsive or Halbach array force, thus smaller, cheaper magnets can be used; magnetic fields inside and outside vehicle are insignificant; in case of power failure cars slow down on their own safely; entire system is designed using physics and mathematic calculations, and all aspects of it, including resulting forces, can be calculated, designed, and improved upon on paper or computers before construction, thus not requiring costly experiments with test models; because permanent magnets and steel is used, there is no limit, within the system itself, on the speed the train can achieve while still being able to stay suspended.
Because guide way insulation works via vehicle-generated eddy currents, the vehicle must be wheeled to travel at low speeds; guide way construction requires laminated steel encased in aluminium cores, all of which must be made to exact specifications, and thus may prove costly. Technology exists as only proof on paper, patents, and peer-reviewed IEEE papers. No actual physical constructed models exist yet.
Neither Inductrack nor the Superconducting EDS nor the MDS are able to levitate vehicles at a standstill, although Inductrack provides levitation down to a much lower speed. Wheels are required for these systems. EMS systems are wheel-less. The German Transrapid, Japanese HSST (Linimo), and Korean Rotem EMS maglevs levitate at a standstill, with electricity extracted from guide way using power rails for the latter two, and wirelessly for Transrapid. If guide way power is lost on the move, the Transrapid is still able to generate levitation down to 10 km/h speed, using the power from onboard batteries. This is not the case with the HSST and Rotem systems.
Propulsion An EMS system can provide both levitation and propulsion using an onboard linear motor. EDS systems can only levitate the train using the magnets onboard, not propel it forward. As such, vehicles need some other technology for propulsion. A linear motor (propulsion coils) mounted in the track is one solution. Over long distances where the cost of propulsion coils could be prohibitive, a propeller or jet engine could be used.
Stability Static magnetic bearings using only electromagnets and permagnets are unstable. EMS systems rely on active electronic stabilization. Such systems constantly measure the bearing distance and adjust the electromagnet current accordingly. All EDS systems are moving systems (i.e. no EDS system can levitate the train unless it is in motion). MDS system is valid only for magnetized bodies, which are made of materials with constant magnetic permeability (theoretical bodies). Since steel does not have constant permeability, MDS may not be that stable.
Pros and cons of maglev vs. conventional trains Due to the lack of physical contact between the track and the vehicle, there is no rolling friction, leaving only air resistance (although maglev trains also experience electromagnetic drag, this is relatively small at high speeds). The weight of the large electromagnets in EMS and EDS designs is a major design issue. A very strong magnetic field is required to levitate a massive train. For this reason one research path is using superconductors to improve the efficiency of the electromagnets. The high speed of some maglev trains translates to more sound due to air displacement, which gets louder as the trains go faster. A study found that high-speed maglev trains are 5 dB noisier than traditional trains. At low speeds, however, maglev trains are nearly silent. However, two trains passing at a combined 1,000 km/h has been successfully demonstrated without major problems in Japan. Braking issues, overhead wire wear are problems for the FASTTECH 360 km/h railed Shinkansen. Maglev would eliminate these issues, but not the noise pollution issue. One advantage of maglev being higher speed would be extension of the serviceable area (3 hours radius) that can outcompete subsonic commercial aircraft. Issues relating to magnets are also a factor.
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Transrapid Shanghai Maglev Train
1. http://www.railserve.com/maglev.html Magnetic Levitation for Transportation by Christopher Muller; January 23, 1998 2. http://science.howstuffworks.com/maglev-train.htm How Maglev Trains Work by Kevin Bonsor 3. http://www.hfml.ru.nl/levitate.html The Real Levitation; HFML: Science in High Magnetic Fields 4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maglev_train#History Maglev train; From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 5. http://www.research-tv.com/stories/science/levitation Magnetic Levitation University of Nottingham; UK 6. http://www.acfnewsource.org/science/mag_lev.html Magnetic Levitation; The Osgood File (CBS Radio Network): 9/7/04, 1/24/05 7. http://www.phys.ufl.edu/~meisel/asgsb3.htm Magnetic Levitation: The Basics 8. http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/blog/asiatech/archives/2007/08/shanghais_high-.html Shanghai's high-tech flop by Bruce Einhorn; August 03, 2007 9. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/1099011.cms MNC proposes to build magnetic levitation train; Times of India; 05May2005 10. http://www.hindu.com/seta/2004/06/17/stories/2004061700391600.htm The Hindu: Sci-Tech on Magnetic Levitation 11. http://www.intel.com/cd/corporate/education/APAC/ENG/in/k12education/math/math2 /math22/307939.htm A Novel Design for Magnetic Levitating Seismograph - Rishin Behl, 18, from Kendriya Vidyalaya, Mumbai. 12. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/asiapcf/09/14/india.eye.china/index.html?iref=newssearch India and China: Rivals or fellow 'tigers'? By Marianne Bray CNN; Tuesday, October 25, 2005 13. http://www.deeshaa.org/2007/08/17/the-tangled-web-part-9/ Atanu Dey on India’s Development; 17th August 2007 14. http://www.maglev2002.ch/list_of_accepted_synopses.html MAGLEV’2002 - MAGLEV - World Wide High Speed Industrial Developments and Projects 15. http://its-my-india.blogspot.com/2007/06/maglev-trains-coming-to-mumbai.html Maglev Trains coming to Mumbai India; Friday 22 June 2007, iBoy 16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maglev_train_proposals Maglev train proposals; From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 17. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maglev_train#Technology Maglev train technology, From Weikipedia, the free encyclopaedia.