Self-realisation from various sides by Pranab RayChaudhuri
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From one side:
Nothing, like matter, space, time and energy, in the Universe is stationary or unchanged. Everything is continuously moving as well as changing. Moreover, it is said that possibly the Universe as a whole is expanding. It is also said the Universe is created from a big bang. So, there was something even before big bang. In any case whether the above two hypothesis can be considered as laws or not, we find everything in the Universe are interrelated with each other. So, there must be a unified existence and all others are either part of it or have originated from it. I am also a part of the Universe and have also originated in the Universe. So, my existence is not a totally separate issue but a part of the total existence. There is also definite link in between my present existence and my past existence and there will be a definite link between my present existence and my future existence. So, my realisation about my self is, it is not separate but a part of the whole infinity with limited individuality.
From another side:
I have reasons to believe that out of all the feelings I have, the feeling of happiness is the most satisfying. So, I try to make myself as happy as possible. I also understand that nothing of myself ( except my memories in someone else’s mind ) exists once I die. So, I gather amenities of comfort for my maximum happiness during my lifetime. I create an ego about myself so that I can enjoy in full during my lifetime whatever I have earned. I become interested only in my present existence and do not bother about the past and the future and have no consideration or respect for other living beings including other human beings. I create a love for myself and any other thing or living beings involved with myself like my house, my car, my wife, my children, my dog etc. To amass wealth to provide for my needs of amenities of comfort I go to any length and do not value the ethics and moralities required for a collective living. So, here, my realisation about myself is I am the monarch of all I survey. I am in constant competition with other living beings including all other human beings to harness nature for my happy living and in this struggle for existence, which to me is living as comfortably (I make myself believe in an idea that more comfort brings more happiness.) as possible and as long as possible, I have no consideration or respect for other living beings. To me they are all competitors over whom I must win.
From yet another side:
I find I am a very insignificant part of the whole Universe, which is always moving and self- changing in a most balanced way with an intentionally added unbalancing in it with continuous procreation i.e. death of the past and birth of the future of all living and non-living matter in it. I find I have only one necessity in this system and i.e. help keep the procreation-chain flag flying. So, I realise myself as only a medium, between the past and future, as the present with the sole motto of procreation and consider as my goal nurturing and developing my next generation so that they are themselves best suited for procreation when their time comes.
From yet another side:
I find myself nothing but a cog in the wheel. I have no control over my birth such as, in which form I shall be born, where, when, how I shall be born, what will be my social, financial and family status, how and upto where in all respect I shall grow, how will be my mental and physical health, how, when and where I shall die and how well I shall be able to fulfill my responsibility of procreation. I find I have no control over any issue about my life. But it is a real fact that I exist and continue living till die. So, it makes me realise, realisation about myself is not within my capacity. I am born, shall continue living till I die and shall also perform the function for which specifically I am born without any control, knowledge or self-purposeful result. So, I do not spend time trying to realise myself but perform all actions as my duties and responsibilities. I submit to KARMANYEBADHIKARASTE MA FALESHU KADACHANA, results of these actions (KARMA) being neither in my control nor for me to enjoy. The reasoning power for which I feel I can realise anything has come to me without my asking and is totally beyond my control in every respect and I have no ways to know how much capable I am in reasoning. Without any or all such knowledge how can I be in a position to realise myself ?
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