Spundan Dasgupta
Born 28. 10. 1986

Spundan Dasgupta  was born and brought up in Chennai, He completed his Bachelors in
Commerce from Kumararani Meena Muthiah College of  Arts and Science in april  2007 under
Madras University. He is currently pursuing a Diploma course  in Multimudia and Graphic Effects
and specialising on 2d animation, 3d  modelling and animation effects.
Story writing, drawing and creating 3d models are an interest of his.
Earlier, his short story 'RAHUL'S  RESCUE' got published in the magazine "Tinkle" in 2002.
He is an avid reader of books mainly  personality development books, science fiction and detective
He is all set to become a successful 3d modeller and animator and wishes to open an animation
studio of his own. India has tremendous capabilities of becoming an animation superpower and he
feels that, his being a part of that phenomenon is an honour and pride for him.

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