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Jyotirmoy Poddar's Nature
Jyotirmoy Poddar
Birds & Animals
Jyotirmoy Poddar's Nature
(Click on these photos to open large views and click on the large photos to close them back)
Birds 1
Birds 2
Birds & Animals
Jyotirmoy Poddar - Born on 27th Oct 1974, cleared his Physics
Honours from Ashutosh College, Kolkata and did his Masters in Computer
Applications (M.C.A). Presently his service takes up most of his time. Even
so, he finds time for writing Poetry in Bengali and Photography.

click here to go to his page of Bengali Poetry in this website.

He is very passionate about what ever he does and photography is no
exception. His love for nature can be seen through his photographs. Most
of his subjects are from around where he lives in Kolkata, Kasba Ruby
Park. This photographer certainly surprises us all by showing us the
various species of birds and flowers that flourish around us in this
Concrete Jungle called Kolkata !

He has kindly allowed us to sort his photographs into categories namely
Flowers, Birds 1, Birds 2, Birds & Animals, Insects. Please click on them to
open the respective pages or click from the menu on the left to go to these

He is also the honorary advisor of this website Milansagar in matters of
Computer Applications.   

Contact Jyotirmoy : +919836361729