Pictures of Singur Nandigram Movement
These pictures have been taken by Milan while participating in these Padayatras (Walks or Marches), Meetings and Rallies in Kolkata and elsewhere. Some of the photos were
collected from other sources and have been published here with due credits.
March and Meeting called by Intellectuals at Mahabodhi Society Hall in
College Square demanding Taslima Nasrin's Return to Kolkata. 2nd Jan 2008. We
have included this episode under Singur Nandigram because it was created to divert attention away from them !
Protesters assembling
in front of Mahabodhi
Society Hall, the
venue of the meeting.
The protest March arrives
in front of Mahabodhi
Society Hall. Poet Arun
Bhattacharya can be
seen with red banner on
his chest.
Gentlemen of the Press.
Just prior to starting of
the meeting.
Human Rights activist Sujat
Bhadra addressing the
gathering. Mahashweta Debi,
Debabrata Babdyopadhyaya,
Subha Prasanna and Ananya
Chattopadhyay on the dias.
Singer & Poet Pratul
Mukhopadhyay sumps up
the meeting with his new
song "Chhi chhi chhi chhi
kya sharam ki bat!" in his
typical Grand style.
The protesters carried out a protest March around the College Square before starting the meeting.
The meeting was called by intellectuals in Kolkata.
Mahashweta Debi Chaired the meeting and read out a letter by Taslima Nasrin appealing for freedom from the present state of
arrest, that she is in, under the supervision of the Indian Govt at some undisclosed location in New Delhi, which even Taslima
herself did not know.
A packed Mahabodhi Society hall eagerly listened to many speakers, who explained various aspects of the situation and what was
to come if something was not immediately done to free Taslima. Debabrata Bandyopahyaya Rtd Sectretary, Land And Land
Reforms Department of the Govt of West Bengal , Naba Dutta, Human Rights activist Sujat Bhadra, Artist Subha Prasanna, Film
Maker Ananya Chattopadhyay, Poet Sabyasachi Deb, Singer & Poet Pratul Mukhopadhyay, were among those who addressed the
audience. Singer Sutapa Bandyopadhyay sang the opening song.
The meeting was steered by Dipankar Chatterjee, the editor of Anik.
Click on any picture for enlarged view.
A Science Fair in a slum at Muraripukur in Kolkata, voices concerns about Global Warming, SEZ,
Singur & Nandigram 4th Jan 2008 :- All Photos were taken by Milan(, if not mentioned otherwise.
(Click on the pictures for enlarged view)
Kishen, the 10th standard boy with
yellow shirt in the right-most stall
explains Global Warming and Ozone
layer depletion and why we need to
plant more trees to all interested.
Small Boys of 5th and 6th grade
explaining how Calcium Carbide and
water produce methane which can be
burned to give out light.
Members of Indian Scientific
& Logical Association telling
people about the tricks the
Godmen play.
Boys at a stall for books about
SEZ (Special Economic Zone).
Crowd at a stall in Science Fair
by Rabindranath Sporting Club
at Muraripukur.
Crowd at a stall in Science Fair
by Rabindranath Sporting Club
at Muraripukur.
Crowd at a stall in Science Fair
by Rabindranath Sporting Club
at Muraripukur.
A candle light dance by a little
girl at the fair..
Novelist Manik Mandal
addressing the gathering about
Singur & Nandigram.
Eminent Singer and Musician
Debashis Roy singing songs
about Singur & Nandigram.
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