Pictures of Singur Nandigram Movement
These pictures have been taken by Milan while participating in these Padayatras (Walks or Marches), Meetings and Rallies in Kolkata and elsewhere. Some of the photos were collected
from other sources and have been published here with due credits.
Rally in Nandigram by Intellectuals of Kolkata on Martyr's Day. 7th Jan 2008.
Click on any picture for enlarged view.
On 7th Jan 2008, a group of intellectuals from Kolkata went to Nandigram to express their solidarity with the people of
Nandigram and to pay homage to the Martyr's Bhorot Mandal, Seikh Selim and Biswajit Das, who were killed by ruling party
CPI(M) goons on the same day a year earlier for refusing to concede to the idea of giving up their land for the proposed
Chemical Hub in Nandigram. The people from Kolkata joined a Walk by thousands of people starting from Bhangabera Bridge
to Sonachura. The rally was held on the grounds of Sonachura School.
Mahashweta Debi, artist Subhaprasanna, Shaoli Mitra, novestist Manik Mandal, poet Tarun Sanyal, human right activists Sujat
Bhadra, Meher Engineer, film and theatre personalities Koushik Sen, Bratya Basu and others graced the occasion. Singer and
Actor Pallab Kirtaniya sang on the occasion.
Click on any picture for enlarged view.
Convoy of cars with
intellectuals from Kolkata
entering Nandigram.
The Walk. Pictures of Thousands of brave people of Nandigram marching from Bhangabera to Sonachura.
The Walk. Pictures of Thousands of brave people of Nandigram marching from Bhangabera to Sonachura.
Martyr's Memorial at Sonachura.
Shaoli Mitra can be seen offering
flowers at the memorial.
A panoramic shot of the huge assembly on the grounds
of Sonachura School. This picture was taken from the
first floor of the School. Staircase door was locked, so the
photographer climbed up a tree to reach there !
Huge assembly on the grounds of Sonachura School..
Huge assembly on the grounds of Sonachura School. The building at the center in the background hosts the Health Center opened after 14th March 2006 by Dr. Debapriyo Mallick under the patronage of Mahasweta Debi.
75 yr old Narmada Sheet
holding the black flag of BUPC
(Bhumi Uchchhed Protirodh
Committee). She was also
tortured by the CPI(M) goons
on 14th March 06.
The dais with Local leaders and guests from Kolkata. Film Director and Actress Aparna Sen can be seen addressing the rally in the picture on the right. Mahashweta Debi is being interviewed.
Abu Taher, one of the
leaders of the Nandigram
Shekh Sufian and Shekh
Samad, leaders of the
Nandigram movement.